Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A dream an inspiration, and and continuation of school

HAPPY 2011 Everyone!

A few nights ago I had the most profound dream I have had in a while. In this dream I got a call from Nancy Cartwright (The voice of Bart Simpson) Saying I had been accepted to Massive Black. I asked her details but she wouldn't say. Then some other man appeared in my dream saying the same thing. The name of the studio sounded familiar but I still wanted more information. Then finally my professor said I was accepted into Massive Black too. I was excited yet still very confused. I woke up into another dream and I couldn't decide if what I had first dreamt was a dream or reality. Finally when I woke up (into reality) I realized that whole series of dreams were just dreams. Inception right?

So that day I decided to look up the studio in google and wow I recognized the work! I was still a little curious why this dream in particular was very striking to me.

Today in class I found a magazine I left in my desk over the break. I decided to flip through it for inspiration. And would you believe it? An article about Massive Black. I skimmed the article and read that the artists spend 80 hours a week drawing, painting, and sculpting.

Now, I'm not over analyzing this at all. Just simply looking to see if anything strikes me. But I take this dream as a message to work harder, and the accomplishment I felt during the dream will become reality. I hope to schedule my time well and keep working my butt off.


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